Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ana Pastor 2nd submission

The use of conventional energies is the main cause of greenhouse effect gases. Our economy is based in the use of fossil fuels which are the responsibles of global warming. Crude oil is generated from plants and animals that remained underground for millions of years. Crude oil is so important becuase it is a huge source of energy and its easy to transport. However some of the cons are that we will run out and that it causes harm to the environment. Transportation is a big issue in the world, and petroleum is used to satisfy its needs. The US is the largest consumer of petroleum. 40% of the total US energy needs its provided by petroleum. This also leads into the US being one of the main producers of greenhouse gases. As I said before many renewable energies have been developed in the last decades to help the environment and reduce harmfull emissions. One of the most important ones is the Solar energy. The sun emits energy in two different ways: heat and light. A good thing of this type of energy is that it doesnt produce greenhouse emissions and it is plentiful. One of the easiest aproaches using solar energy is to heat up water and homes. The Industrial Revolution also helped some energies like Solar one, to develop. Also The 1973 oil embargo and 1979 oil crisis caused a reorganization of energy policies and developed Solar energies. Some solar water heaters appeared in the 1890s in the US. These heaters became a little more popular during the 1900s however, they finally dissapear due to cheaper and more efficient fuels. In the late 1900s the use of solar energy increase in a 20%. Right now, solar energies are still developing, however many discovers have been made, and its been proved that the Sun is a cheap and realiable source of energy. In the future solar techonogies will be commercialized easier, and could become an economically viable source of energy. However we all know that the sun doesnt "shine" all the time. For this reason, other systems like hybrid fueled ones have also been developed. Hopefully Solar energy systems will be developed and trust by people soon. This will be another way to help the Earth and contribute with the environment.


First Assignment

Climate change involves many aspects of our lives; however the main cause of global warming is the air pollution due to ozone emissions. Humans are the main producers of these prejudicial gases. There are many actions that have been addressed to solve these problems; however, pollution is still really high. In my field, business, the global warming had played and will play in the future and important role. One of the main aspects that will benefit the economy, and at the same time the global warming are renewal energies. Renewal energies are relatively new, but they are been developed really fast. There are already many industries that focus on this new ways of getting energy. In my opinion, they will be very helpful for the environment, and hopefully we will be able to see positive results.
· Energy is necessary, it comes from:
1. Wood and coal, fire, wind, animals
2. Steam engine was developed
3. Electricity
4. Internal combustion engine
5. Fossil fuels:
§ Oil
§ Coal
§ Natural gas
· 88% of greenhouse gas emissions comes from fossil fuels
· New energies have been developed to decrease the greenhouse effect;
1. Biomass:
§ refers to living and recently dead biological material that can be used as fuel or for industrial production
2. Fuel cells;
§ Hydrogen
3. Geothermal
§ Is heat from within the Earth
4. Hydropower
§ the energy of the hydrologic cycle, which is ultimately driven by the sun, making it an indirect form of solar energy.
5. Solar
§ Light
§ Heat
6. Wind:
§ Wind is thermal power that has already been converted to mechanical power.
· Kyoto Protocol
1. Regulates emissions: reduction of 5% in developed countries